Think you'd enjoy working with wood but unsure where to start? Learn the fundamentals and get to grips with everyday tools and DIY in our empowering pay-what-you-can woodworking sessions that run from 9.45am-4.30pm, ideal for beginners or those practicing their skills. Through the day you will be guided on a small box project, such as a storage box, crate, small planter or tray. We also run 'pallet to planter' editions, focused on building a planter from pallet wood with relevant growing advice from a skilled grower. These workshops are for anyone who identifies as a woman or other marginalised gender (trans and non-binary inclusive!)

What does the day entail?
With supportive guidance you will learn the entire process of designing and constructing your box, learning how to use everyday hand and power tools and grow confidence in building/DIY fundamentals. The aim of the day is not to leave with a perfect faultless product, but to have built up your confidence, skill sets and knowledge at your own pace. You will be welcomed to an open and compassionate environment that will help you build that groundwork and feel more confident using tools at home!
Our 'Pallet To Planter' workshops are the same structure, but curated specifically for planter boxes!
No experience necessary - this is a place to start from scratch or build upon a growing set of skills.
Please bring a packed lunch.
Tea, coffee and biscuits provided: Please inform us of any allergies or dietary restrictions when you book.

How does the pay-what-you-can work?
2025 update: As of February 2025 we are implementing a £15 deposit to secure your place on this workshop, due to the stress and extra admin caused by no-shows and last minute cancellations. You will then pay the rest on the day, with instructions given at the workshop :)
These workshops run on a pay-what-you-can basis so that regardless of income workshops are available and inclusive to anyone. Our 'pay it forward' options are for those able to contribute to our work and pay a little extra to make the low income spaces available - please consider this if you are able! We'll leave it in your hands as to how much you're able to contribute, but please take a look at the helpful infographic below if you'd like a fair perspective and guidance on your choice.
Here are some suggested prices: Low-income £25 // Standard £40 // Pay it forward (give a little extra to help pay for someone else's session) £60+. We will give you details for online payment on the day.
Our service is not free to run and we will rely on a community centred
and conscious mindset from those participating to contribute fairly.
BURSARY PLACES AVAILABLE! We feel really strongly that our workshops are for everyone and your financial situation should not be a barrier to building skills and feeling empowered so please get in touch if you're unable to contribute at this time. Bursary places are available for all sessions.
Important Information
- Please arrive at the workshop at 9.45am ready for your induction. - Wear appropriate clothes and shoes - no flip flops, sandals or open toe shoes. - Bring your own packed lunch! Tea, coffee & biccies provided. - Currently, these sessions are for participants age 18 or over but we welcome minors 15 - 17 when accompanied by a parent/guardian. If you're interested in youth sessions keep your eyes peeled as these sessions will be developed in the near future.
How to get here and travel considerations
Google Maps Location: In Our Hands Workshop, Manor Farm, Buncton, Washington Rd, Steyning BN44 3DD
You’ll come off the A283 and come down a thin gravel track. Our yard is the first right, and you will see our barn.
Unfortunately public transport access to the countryside is pretty abysmal, despite the workshop being very close to many towns and the city. At the moment we can't offer any guaranteed lifts or pick ups to the workshop, but if you let us know in advance we can organise a lift for you. Please see HERE for a few researched public transport options. A bus goes directly from Rottingdean along the coast all the way to 'Castle' stop in Bramber, and also from Worthing to 'Washington' stop.

"I loved the progression and process of taking apart a pallet and creating a different object. The emphasis was on using a free resource and regenerating it into something new. The pace was very relaxed allowing for discussion and questions. The teaching was respectful, detailed and totally practical which I really enjoyed. I use the word 'respectful' as the workshop was deliberately not oversubscribed because the facilitators were keen to foster a safe and intimate space in the workshop to enable the participants to get the focus and attention they needed. I felt totally catered for and would definitely recommend this experience to anyone."
"Every part of it was interesting, relevant, useful and excellently delivered!
I found Georjie's approach was fantastic for supporting me to feel welcome, comfortable, able to ask questions, try/explore tools and techniques that were new to me - and generally to learn. Her approach shows clearly her knowledge and skills she's learned, whilst also she seems to remember how it is to be brand new to something, and explains everything very well."
"The perfect balance of instruction, opportunity to try without being too closely watched, and an offer of support at just the right time (before I lost confidence). Very natural, intuitive and supportive teaching."